[thredds] Broken dataset URL using TDS 4.6


We have recently upgraded from TDS 4.3 to TDS 4.6, and discover that some
dataset URLs that formerly worked OK, no gives 404 Not found status.

One example is this:


This dataset is part of a datasetscan element in the catalog:

<datasetScan name="MET Norway" ID="arcticdata/metno" path="arcticdata/met.no"

While the above URL does not work, the following URL will work (where
"?dataset=arcticdata/met.no/..." is replaced with


It seems that TDS use the ID attribute in the datasetscan element to
construct the dataset path rather than the path attribute. But I find this
hard to believe, as it would surely have been discovered already by others.

Can anyone provide an explanation?

Best regards,

   Egil Støren
   MET Norway
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