HI everyone
We run our thredds server and TDM on a virtual workstation with 2.0GHz
E78850*2, and 32GB memory, windows server 2008.
The script run TDM is like this
"C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_55/bin/java" -Xmx10g
-Dtds.content.root.path="C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat
7.0\content" -jar tdm-4.5.jar -tds "http://thredds.cma.gov.cn/" -cred ..
In operation it only take like 0.5GB memory.
My problem is almost all global model and meso-scale model output comes in at
the most busy time around 3-4 pm local time.
and there are a lot of files. it takes quite long time for tdm to build indexes.
for example, when one model output is all there, tdm is busy building indexes
for another model, and it cannot generate gbx9 and ncx2 file for this model.
Is there anything I can do about it?
Maybe run multi-TDM?
or put one TDM in charge of every single model output?
or can I use any other program to scan dirs and generate gbx9 for each file
once it comes in ?
If anyone has any suggestion, please let me know.
Many thanks
Dr. Jian TANG
Central Meteorological Office
National Meteorological Center of CMA