[thredds] NetCDF-4 DataReadingStrategy

Hi Thredds List,

My colleagues and I (at CSIRO and Geoscience Australia) have been using a 
patched version of thredds 4.2 for over 5 years to deliver satellite earth 
observation data.  We offer the data in as many formats as possible but our 
most used protocol is WMS for visualisation as overlays on maps.  A the time 
(around 2011) we had to patch thredds because we use relatively large (64gb) 
netCDF-4 source files which are too large to load into memory using the default 
BOUNDING_BOX reading strategy.  Xiangtan Lin modified the 
getOptimumDataReadingStrategy method in ncwms to make NetCDF-4 type datasets 
default to SCANLINE reading strategy.  This reduced the memory footprint 
sufficiently to get the wms layers working.  See discussion here: 

We are now consolidating this thredds instance into a large corporate system 
and were hoping we could get this change included in the master source so we 
can keep up with the current releases without having patch each new one.  
Comments in the source seem to suggest that SCANLINE is the intended default 
for NetCDF files but the existing check only catches versions prior to 4.

So, would it be possible to have this change made to the ncwms master? I can 
make the changes and setup a GitHub pull request if that helps.

Peter Warren
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