[thredds] WCS GeoTIFF request for transverse mercator projection

Dear all,

Just wondering if there was any further followup on this past THREDDS WCS
issue from last year?


We're experiencing the same issue with one of our datasets- where a WCS
GetCoverage request on a transverse mercator grid mapping works for NetCDF3
but not GeoTIFF. For example:

This NetCDF3 request *works:*

But same request for GeoTIFF *does not:*

Curious if there was any solution to that older post?

Thanks for any advice or help anyone can provide.


Kelsey A. Druken
Earth Systems Data Service Specialist
National Computational Infrastructure (NCI)
Leonard Huxley Building, Mills Road
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200 Australia

E: kelsey.druken@xxxxxxxxxx
T: +61 2 6125 2479
W: nci.org.au
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