Hi all,
I'm facing a problem with WMS. Thredds can't get the right bouding box
on some netcdf files and I can't understand why.
The WMS GetCapabilities xml gives:
<BoundingBox CRS="CRS:84" minx="27.406999588012695"
maxx="42.797000885009766" miny="-90.0" maxy="90.0"/>
Instead of:
27.40 - 42.79
40.84 - 47.05
Is it an issue related to the catalog/dataset definitions or does it
depend on the netcdf data?
Thanks in advance,
Francesco Palermo
OPA - Ocean Predictions and Applications Division
CMCC - Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change
address: Via Augusto Imperatore 16, 73100 Lecce, Italy
phone: +39-0832-671047 - web: http://www.cmcc.it
email: francesco.palermo@xxxxxxx