Hi Dennis
in the University of Cantabria (Spain), we use the netcdf-java library
for multiple tools and software.
* https://meteo.unican.es/trac/MLToolbox (Machine Learning Matlab
Toolbox for meteorology and climate )
* R packages to analysis and visualization of climate data:
* NcML aggregations and metadata definition and collection of files.
o i.e. https://meteo.unican.es/trac/wiki/udg
* and small internal tools or scripts which uses the netcdf-java API
In our case we try to uses the high level specialized CDM Scientific
Datatypes, and the the low level acces to the NetcdfFIle is avoided, if
tis possible, instead we use quite commonly the NetcdfDataset.java
class. Usually we create a NcML around the datasets to make them
accessible using the CDM Scientific Datatypes.
I hope this helps you
Regards and thanks
Antonio S. Cofiño
On 20/11/16 03:16, David Blodgett wrote:
Hi Dennis,
The USGS Office of Water Information Geo Data Portal project uses it. See:
https://github.com/USGS-CIDA/geo-data-portal for more.
- Dave
On Nov 19, 2016, at 5:14 PM, dmh@xxxxxxxx wrote:
I am trying to see who is directly using the Unidata
netcdf-java library? This is the client-side library
and typical use would be using the CDM API. e.g.
and the Array API e.g.
If you are programming at this level, could you send me an
email (below) indicating who you are at either the individual or
organizational level?
Note: users of ToolsUI only need not respond since that would be
an indirect use of the library.
=Dennis Heimbigner
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