The URL you are accessing only contains one time step... in this case
the 384hours forecast for the 2016-12-11T06:00UTC analysisreference time.
If you want al the steps for the forthcoming 5 days (120 hours) from the
2016-12-11T06:00UTC analysis you need to loop over all the availabletime
In bash scripting, something like this.
touch Wind_speed_gust.xml
for STEP in $(seq -w 0 3 120); do
wget -O - "$URL" >> Wind_speed_gust.xml
the script it's just a proof of concept purpose ... you need to improve
the reliability and scalability.
On 13/12/16 14:08, Nathan Potter wrote:
Hi Rubén,
The specific server to which you are sending this request is a THREDDS Data
Server (aka TDS). I am forwarding your question to the TDS support group in the
hopes that they will have more insight than I can provide.
Thanks for you patience.
Nathan Potter
On Dec 13, 2016, at 2:36 AM, Rubén Vázquez <meteovigo@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello good day. My name is Rubén Vazquez and I am administrator of I am making a map to show the maximum gusts in Europe and North
Atlantic and I want to do it with the GFS since I think it is the best model in the
world. What I do not get is to call an xml with maximum wind gusts for the next 5
days. Could you help me? I just got this:
Thank you very much
Meteovigo Información Meteorológica
Canido Playa, 157, 36390
Vigo - Pontevedra - Spain
986 49 26 34 - 622 36 22 82
= = =
Nathan Potter ndp at
OPeNDAP, Inc. +1.541.231.3317
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