I'm writing a webmap app to show grib files with TDS. To have control of the
wms layer names, I
have made grib tables of my own with which I get layer names like "11_105"
instead of
The problem comes for example with Accumulated Precipitation, where I get an
extra string
appended: "61_105_Mixed_intervals_Accumulation". I have looked throughout the
code for
where does that "_Mixed_intervals_Accumulation" come from for hours, but I
haven't found
anything useful [1].
Could you please point me to the places in the code that determine the wms
layer names? It is
very important that I fully understand it, so that I don't get any other
Thank you in advance,
David Gil Oliva
Sección Informática
Delegación Territorial Cataluña
Teléfono: 93 882 30 58 (50822)
[1] The string "Mixed_intervals_Accumulation" appears many times in
resources/grib1/grib1VarMap.xml and this file is used in the class
GribVariableRenamer, but this
class is deprecated.
![PNG image](pngaQqR6LajpA.png)