Re: [thredds] Is there a way to override the grib1 tables in the grib jar?

Hi David,

You can wrap the GRIB1 dataset and specify the table. See section "Specifying a table for a particular dataset" at thredds' doc:

I don't know if this is the case but from my experience with AEmet's GRIB products the introduction to that section is quiete interesting:

Many GRIB datasets have an incorrect center/subcenter/version id, which means that the CDM would read from a different table than the one used to write the file
I don't know if now this is the case, but usually it's.



On 16/02/18 13:57, dgilo@xxxxxxxx wrote:


We need to override the grib1 tables in the grib jar of TDS.

We are creating new probabilistic products (parameters from 128 up) and we face the problem that each time that we create new products or dismiss them we have to modify the grib jar and restart TDS. That's a burden for us.

Is there a way to configure TDS to look for an easily updatable grib1 table and override the grib1 tables in the grib jar of TDS?

Thank you!

David Gil

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