Re: [thredds] WMS ignoring 'time' URL parameter in TDS 5


We too had a similar issue with WMS that no one really "pointed out to me"
for our "aggregated" datasets until I read this WMS "Limitations" clause at
the bottom of this page,

One of them being certain dimensions, like "time" cannot be used with
"external WMS"...

quote from "Limitations" at the bottom:
* Extra request parameters (time, elevation, cql_filter, etc.) cannot be

So unless your dataset aggregation with the WMS service enabled *worked* in
the previous 4.x release of THREDDS (ours 4.x THREDDS at does
exactly as yours does - only returning the last time slice in the
aggregation), and assuming there was no major update to WMS in v5 of
THREDDS, then this remote/external WMS limitation should still persist.
i.e., in summary, you should only expose/enable the WMS service for
individual "single time" datasets and not for aggregations with multiple
time slices.

Someone, please correct me if I am wrong.
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