[thredds] enrich thredds xml catalog using external tool

Hi all, I'm setting up a thredds catalog to be used by Geonetwork.

The catalog contains meteorological data, but will be enriched by other
data sources (ex. a table containing the list of records that were moved to
a backup facility and are no longer available on disk, or a table
containing pictures related to the files).

Is it possible to enrich the xml file with other data (ex. inserting xml
nodes directly into the file) without breaking thredds functionalities?
What strategy do you recommend (ex. a bash script to modify the xml,

Note that I'm using a <datasetScan> to recursively get all items in a
nested folder structure, so I would like to modify the 'real' xml catalog
that contains all the nodes (some information should to be inserted at the
container level, others at the data level).

Many thanks,

Chiara Scaini
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