Re: [thredds] Bad chunk sizes error with netcdf4 & ncss

  • To: tom cook <tmcook@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [thredds] Bad chunk sizes error with netcdf4 & ncss
  • From: Sean Arms <sarms@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2018 16:48:59 -0600
Greetings Tom!

I'm not sure which version of netCDF-C the docker image uses, so that might
be an issue (Julien, do you know off the top of your head)?. More likely is
that there is a bug related to netCDF-4 file writing in the netCDF-Java
library, which relies on the netCDF-C library underneath. When you switch
to accept=netcdf, you are then using a pure java netCDF file writer to
produce a netCDF-3 file, and so the problematic code path isn't used.
Dennis - any ideas?



On Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 12:00 PM Thomas Cook <tmcook@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> HI
> I'm having an issue with Netcdf Subset and Netcdf4
> For instance, when I do the following
> I get
> NetCDF: Bad chunk sizes. nc_def_var_chunking on variable u
> If I replace "accept=netcdf" in the above URL, I get a valid dataset and
> all is good.
> I'm using the thredds-docker Version 4.6.12-SNAPSHOT -
> 2018-01-26T10:29:32+0000 image and not quite sure the best way at
> troubleshooting this.
> Thanks
> Tom
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