Hi All,
We encountered an error using the embedded ncWMS server sometime ago
where the ncWms server occasionally failed to render an image.
When this happened we received a "Yikes! Response is already committed
(Heiko's bug?)" as per https://github.com/Unidata/thredds/issues/1052
At the time I tracked down the source of the error and applied a fix to
a fork of ncWMS. This fixed the problem and we haven't had a "Yikes!
Response is already committed (Heiko's bug?)" message in the logs since.
We've just noticed we never submitted a fix for this while looking to
upgrade to the latest version of 4.6 and accordingly I've created a pull
request for information or inclusion in the standalone ncWMS code for
this version (https://github.com/Unidata/ncWMS/pull/26).
When I created this pull request, I was asked to sign a CLA agreement.
As I am an employee with the University of Tasmania, I asked my employer
to sign the agreement as specified in the CLA (Jacqui Hope signed this
on their behalf).
The CLA check is still being shown as pending in the PR, but I've
confirmed with Jacqui that she 'signed' this.
We also have another PR we raised for information/inclusion by Craig
Rose , to apply appropriate locking on the decompression of files to fix
problems with concurrent access to a zipped netcdf file before its been
unzipped (again manifested to us when using ncWMS) which is in the same
Can you advise what we need to do to clear these checks. When Jacqui
goes to these CLA's, her details are filled in and there is no option to
'submit' it anymore.
Craig Jones
University of Tasmania
University of Tasmania Electronic Communications Policy (December, 2014).
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