On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 4:35 AM Patrick Brockmann <
patrick.brockmann@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> <snip>
> 1) How to set inside a datasetScan different kind of services for
> different kind of files ?
Currently, each datasetScan can only provide a single set of services for
all files found within the scan. In version 4.6.x of the TDS, the only way
to do something like what you want to do is to have two elements with
filters for the appropriate file types, each with the services you want, so
something like:
<datasetScan name="TEST1" ID="testDatasetScan1" path="CARBON1/nc"
<metadata inherited="true">
<include wildcard="*.nc"/>
<datasetScan name="TEST2" ID="testDatasetScan2" path="CARBON1/other"
<metadata inherited="true">
<include wildcard="*.txt"/>
<include wildcard="*.png"/>
<include wildcard="*.pdf"/>
There is new feature in the next version of the TDS (in beta now) called
Standard Services that will allow for the automatic association of services
based on the feature type of the dataset being served (grid, point, radial,
grid collections, point collections). If the netCDF files in your example
are recognized by netCDF-Java as a gridded dataset, then all of the
services of the TDS that work with gridded data would be used (opendap,
cdmRemote, cdmrFeatureGrid, dap4, httpServer, jupyterNotebook,
netcdfSubsetGrid, wms, wcs, iso, iso_ncml, uddc), minus any individual one
of those are not disabled in the main TDS configuration. Of course, you can
always explicitly set services on a dataset similar to before, but this is
what would happen if a dataset was defined without setting or inheriting a
serviceName element. Combining this new feature with a datasetScan gets you
pretty close to what you want to do, as long as everything is identifiable
as a known feature type.
> 2) How to get an absolute path link. Something like:
> <a href="
> https://myserver/thredds/fileServer/testDatasetScan1/atextfile.txt">atextfile</a>
> and not:
> <a href
> ='catalog.html?dataset=testDatasetScan1/atextfile.txt'>atextfile.txt</a>
> that goes to a presentation of the different services for the file.
There isn't anything like this in the current version of the TDS. However,
in the next version of the TDS, there are certain file types which are
exposed in the html view of a catalog as direct links to the HTTP Server
access url. These file types are .html, .csv, .txt, .doc.