Re: [thredds] Catalog example for AWS S3 resource?

  • To: Ethan Davis <edavis@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [thredds] Catalog example for AWS S3 resource?
  • From: "H. Joe Lee" <hyoklee@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 09:39:15 -0500
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  Thanks, Ethan!

  It's so cool to see toolsUI can access NASA HDF-EOS5 on S3.
I hope both IDV and Panoply can use the new netCDF-Java soon, too.

  By the way, will the master branch of THREDDS use the latest netCDF-java?
If not, where should I modify in the THREDDS source code to build
 THREDDS with netCDF-Java snapshot?

  I'm very excited to try the new THREDDS catalog with S3 datasetRoot path!


Datafy everything in HDF for faster AI.

On Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 10:52 AM Ethan Davis <edavis@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Joe,
> [Sorry for the delayed response.]
> The S3 work moved to the Unidata/netCDF-java repo in PR #173
> <> ("S3 Support"). This PR
> got merged into master a week or so ago and is available in the netCDF-Java
> 5.3.0-SNAPSHOT release (and will be in the upcoming 5.3.0 release). The
> latest TDS code built with netCDF-Java 5.3.0-SNAPSHOT can be configured to
> serve an individual netCDF file stored as an S3 object using a datasetRoot
> configuration, e.g.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <catalog name="Test TDS S3"
>   xmlns="";
>   xmlns:xlink="";
>   xmlns:xsi="";
>   xsi:schemaLocation="
>   <datasetRoot path="s3-test" location="s3://noaa-goes16" />
>   <dataset name="Test GOES-16 S3" ID="testS3Grid"
> urlPath="s3-test/ABI-L1b-RadC/2019/363/21/"
>            dataType="Grid"/>
> </catalog>
> In this case, the datasetRoot location is the bucket name, and the urlPath
> is the datasetRoot path combined with the key. We rely on the AWS Java SDK
> (v2) to handle credentials, setting of region, etc. For now, you can set
> the region by creating a credentials file ~/.aws/credentials that looked
> like:
> [default]
> region=us-east-1
> Which is how netCDF-java knows which region to use for bucket access. We
> may look at other mechanisms to make that a bit more integrated into TDS
> configuration but for now that should work.
> Once the netCDF 5.3.0 release comes out, TDS snapshot builds will be built
> with this capability. For now, you would need to build the TDS and
> explicitly tell it to build with netCDF-Java 5.3.0-SNAPSHOT.
> Cheers,
> Ethan
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 2:30 PM H. Joe Lee <hyoklee@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   Is it possible to serve netCDF data on AWS S3 using THREDDS?
>>   I think it seems possible based on the S3 feature branch [1].
>>   If so, can someone share an example THREDDS catalog configuration?
>>   Regards,
>> [1]
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