[thredds] thredds.ucar.edu is upgrading to TDS 5.x

Hello THREDDS users,

Unidata is in the process of upgrading our main TDS instance (
thredds.ucar.edu) to the latest version of TDS 5. To do so with the
least impact to users, we have ported a copy of our main instance to
version 5 and made it available to users at threddsrc.ucar.edu. Next *Friday,
February 4th*, we plan to migrate the *thredds.ucar.edu
<http://thredds.ucar.edu>* domain to point to this instance, and users will
no longer have access to the 4.6.x version.

To prepare for the upgrade, we *strongly* recommend that users who
regularly access thredds.ucar.edu take some time over the next week to kick
the tires on threddsrc.ucar.edu and verify that their workflows are not
impacted. If you have any scripts that hit thredds.ucar.edu, it would be a
good idea to test them against threddsrc.ucar.edu before next Friday.

All the data currently available on the current THREDDS should also be
available on the new version. If you come across anything that seems to be
missing or not working as expected, please let us know at

To reiterate, TDS 4.6.x <http://thredds.ucar.edu> will *no longer be
available* after next Friday, February 4th. Please help us mitigate any
unforeseen impacts to your THREDDS usage by testing your workflows on
threddsrc.ucar.edu throughout next week.

Thank you for your help, and please let us know if you have questions or
encounter any issues!

Unidata and the THREDDS team

Hailey Johnson (she/her)
Software Engineer | THREDDS Developer
Unidata | UCAR Community Programs (UCP)
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