[thredds] Migration to TDS 5.X : DatasetScan does not provide link to parent Dataset with metadata anymore


I am in the process of migrating [ 
http://tds.webservice-energy.org/thredds/catalog.html | our TDS ] to version 
We use a lot DatasetScan . 

I have deployed 5.4 locally with the same data and configuration files and 
noticed that the HTML rendering of DatasetScan nodes does not show anymore 
links on the parent folder that would allow to see the metadata. 

For instance in [ 
http://tds.webservice-energy.org/thredds/catalog/solrad-stations/catalog.html | 
this page, ] the "SOLRAD" folder provides a link to [ 
 | this page ] providing extensive info on metadata. 
This is no more the case on 5.4. 
The catalogs.xml seems to be the same though. 

Is it a known issue ? 
How can I get TDS 5.4 provide metadata information in HTML ? 

Thanks in advance for your help. 
Raphaël Jolivet 

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