Re: [thredds] Thredds 4.6 - Cache folder

Good morning,

A possibility would also be to mount the configuration directory as a
read-only volume, and mount a second directory as writable in the
subdirectory named cache.

/ read-only container rootfs
/home/tomcat/content/thredds read-only
/home/tomcat/content/thredds/cache writable

Consider the following as pseudo code to illustrate one way to accomplish
this when starting a container instance with the docker command line:
docker run --read-only -v /host/tds-config:/home/tomcat/content/thredds:ro
-v /host/tds-cache:/home/tomcat/content/thredds/cache:rw container-image

Notice that there also are other directories beneath the configuration
directory that TDS expects to be writable, e.g. logs etc. TDSv5 also
populates the content directory with example files that it cannot find
during startup. You need to put your own files there in advance or just use
"touch" to create empty files for the paths of the example files before
starting TDS to avoid TDSv5 to crash on startup.


Christian Skarby
MET Norway

tor. 10. aug. 2023 kl. 09:05 skrev Ifremer <enzo.pauvy@xxxxxxxxxx>:

> Dear all,
> On Thredds 4.6, is there any way to change the cache directory, other than
> defining a symlink?
> I would like a read-only folder for my content directory, mounted as a
> volume for my dockered Thredds.
> According to TDS Configuration file
> <>,
> I can define a directory for each cache.
> But it would be easier to redefine a single path, right?
> Kind regards,
> Enzo
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