[thredds] Uncorrelate disk path and href for catalogRef and dataset in catalog.xml

Hello everyone,

I'm migrating Thredds instances, and as I do so, I'm also reorganising Thredds folders.

We have a large amount of catalogRef and datasets that are located under {tds.content.root.path}. I would like to move them all to a new folder {tds.content.root.path}/catalogs to simplify management.

However doing so, an extra /catalogs/ is added to the URL of each of the underlying datasets.

ex :

https://tds0.ifremer.fr/thredds/CERSAT.html => https://tds0.ifremer.fr/thredds/catalogs/CERSAT.html

My root catalog is the following :


I tried several solution but none of them worked :

- adding in threddsConfig.xml a catalogRoot element pointing to a new catalog.xml file located at catalogs/catalog.xml. But it resolves as url : thredds/catalogs/catalog.html

- using attributes name, ID, alias, urlPath in the definition of catalogRef elements in catalog.xml file trying to truncate catalogs/ folder

- defining default catalog.xml at startup, but couldn't find a java parameter to do so. Only tds.content.root.path is settable.

It is quite important to keep the same urls while migrating as a lot of products stored in the Ifremer Thredds instances are referenced in multiple services with their urls.

Maybe I missed a configuration while reading the docs. Does anybody know if it's possible and how to do it ?



Léo Le Lonquer
Ingénieur Cloud pour la Science
Ifremer Centre Bretagne, 29280 Plouzané, France
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