[tiggeusers] New TIGGE data access option

NOTE: The tiggeusers mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

Hello TIGGE data users,

NCAR would like to announce a new option for TIGGE data access. The most recent two weeks of data are now available for direct download through the CISL Research Data Archive. Users can search through directories of forecast files organized by contributing center and model initialization date/time, and download files through their web browser, or with provided wget commands.

In order to access the data, users must have a valid Data Support Section login:


Once logged in, the data can be accessed through:


A description of the data is provided at:


In the near future, the NCAR TIGGE web portal (tigge.ucar.edu) will be upgraded to provide user selected grid resolution, and spatial sub-areas for selected parameters.

If you are not already a member, please sign up to the TIGGE Users group for further updates
through the following link:


(Select "tiggeusers", in the "Subscribe to a mailing list" form found on the right hand side of the web page)

An archive of all tiggeusers mail threads can be found at:


Best Regards,
Doug Schuster
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