[tiggeusers] Issues with some NCEP TIGGE data parameters

NOTE: The tiggeusers mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

Dear TIGGE data users,

Some bugs have been discovered that corrupted a subset of the TIGGE data 
parameters provided by NCEP (kwbc).
The corrupted parameter fields include:

ttr       Time-integrated Outgoing Long Wave Radiation
slhf   Time-integrated Surface Latent Heat Flux
str     Time-integrated Surface Net Thermal Radiation
ssr      Time-integrated Top Net Solar Radiation
sshf  Time-integrated Surface Sensible Heat Flux

These issues were corrected beginning with the April 9, 2014, 12z forecast 
cycle.  Please see the linked document for additional


Best Regards,
Doug Schuster

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