[tiggeusers] TIGGE data from UK Met Office

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Dear TIGGE users,

>From Tuesday 15th July, the 15-day MOGREPS-15 EPS data will no longer be sent 
>to TIGGE. It will be replaced by higher resolution MOGREPS-G data, with a 
>7-day range. There will be a gap in the data provision, but it is planned to 
>back-fill the missing data within a few weeks. The number of TIGGE parameters 
>available from the new MOGREPS-G feed will be significantly reduced.

For further details, please see the news item on the TIGGE website, 

  Richard Swinbank

Dr Richard Swinbank    Manager, Ensemble Forecasting Group
Met Office   FitzRoy Road   Exeter   EX1 3PB   United Kingdom         
Tel: (+44) 1392 88 6619   Fax: (+44) 1392 88 5681
E-mail: richard.swinbank@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/

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