Re: [tiggeusers] Forecast precipitation data

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Best regards,

----- Original Message -----
| From: "Fekadu Teshome" <fekaduteshome04@xxxxxxxxx>
| To: tiggeusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
| Sent: Wednesday, 10 December, 2014 9:07:38 AM
| Subject: [tiggeusers] Forecast precipitation data
| Dear sir/madam
| I am Fikadu Teshome a student in Hydraulic Engineering in Arba Minch
| University, Ethiopia, East Africa.
| Currently I am making preparation to work on my Msc paper on flood
| forecasting in Nigeria in Niger River; Therefore I need global forecast
| precipitation data to Niger river basin from ECMWF datasets and technical
| support as much as possible. Therefore I am hereby requesting your kind
| support to inform me we links to download or attach me.
| Thank you & Best Regard!!!!! Fikadu.T
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