I can display my netCDF file using code from DisplayTest, case 10.
However, I cannot figure out how to query the attributes of the file.
In my test netCDF file I use variables (x, y) -> documents. Where x goes
from 1-30 and y goes from 1-40. I will not always know this apriori. If
I read this file as
java DisplayTest 10 equinox.nc
it displays as expected. My question is how can I query the range of
the x and y variables. When I try
double[] range1lat = map1lat.getRange();
where map1lat is
new ScalarMap((RealType) dtype.getComponent(0),Display.XAxis));
NaN is returned. I tried various other combinations of methods and
could not produce the simple result of 1,30 and 1,40 for (x,y). Any
Another question. I have a JTable. I would like the cursor on the
surface to reflect the proper entry in the JTable. Which method
returns the (x,y) position of the cursor on the 3-D surface? From
this I can compute the appropriate entry in the JTable.
Thanks in advance for any advice.