> I'm encountering the following problem when I execute the sample VisAD
> application:
> ~/java/visad/visad/paoloa: java visad.paoloa.GoesRetrieval
> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: visad.ReferenceActionLink: method
> getDataReference()Lvisad/DataReference; not found
> at
> at visad.DisplayImpl.doAction(DisplayImpl.java:347)
> at visad.ActionImpl.run(ActionImpl.java:149)
> at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)
> Naturally, I've got the latest VisAD and GoesRetrieval stuff, and my
> CLASSPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH are appropriately configured.
> Any ideas?
I find these things are usually due to a changed file.
In this case, rev 1.9 of ReferenceActionLink.java replaced DataReference
with ThingReference
You need to rebuild DisplayImpl.class at a minimum, but you *might* save
time by just doing a 'javac *.java' in the top-level directory...