How to display single datapoints? (I'm a beginner!)

I started yesterday to learn about and to work with the Java-
implementation of Visad. Unfortunately all the examples are still
to complicated for me to get started. All I want to do, is to
display some datapoints in a 3-dimensional cartesian coordinate-
system as a scattered plot and as a surface.

Suppose I have 5 times 3 datapoints with the coordinates

 ( Xi, Yj, Zij ), i = 1, ..., 5;
                  j = 1, ..., 3;

How do I fill them in into a display?

Frank Krause.


|                                                                  |
|                                                                  |
|  Frank Krause                            Tel: ++49-40-56081 254  |
|                                          Fax: ++49-40-56081 222  |
|  EVOTEC BioSystems GmbH               e-mail: fkrause@xxxxxxxxx  |
|  Schnackenburgallee 114                                          |
|  D-22525 Hamburg                   |
|  Germany                                                         |
|                                                                  |
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