VisAD contour surfaces


I am trying to get VisAD to produce contour surfaces in R3 defined by
(w=0) where (x,y,z)->w  ( x,y,z and w are RealTypes ) is a mapping from
R3 to R.  I have implemented the following class to generate this type
of display, but it doesn't work ( the display comes up showing only
axes, no data ).  The java source code is attached- am I doing something
wrong, or is this display method not yet implemented?  


Thomas P Maxwell, Ph.D.          Spatial Systems Research
University of Maryland Institute for Ecological Economics
voice: 410-326-7388                     FAX: 410-326-7354
import visad.*;
import visad.java3d.DisplayImplJ3D;
import visad.java3d.AnimationControlJ3D;
import visad.util.VisADSlider;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.swing.*;

public class ContourImageTest extends JPanel {

  CoordinateSystem _coords;
  AnimationControl _anim_controller;
  ContourControl _contour_controller;
  Cell _range_cell;
  ScalarMap _range_map;  
  ScalarMap _color_map; 
  RealType _range_type;
  FunctionType _grid_type;
  Set _domain_set;       
  DisplayImplJ3D _display;
  boolean _forward_anim = true; 
  FieldImpl _animation_sequence;
  int _num_images;
  public ContourImageTest( int length1, int length2, int length3, int n_images 
)  throws VisADException, RemoteException {
          try { 
                RealType time = RealType.Time;
                RealTupleType time_type = new RealTupleType(time);
                Set time_set = new Linear1DSet(time_type, 0.0, 1.0, n_images);  
                _domain_set = new Integer3DSet(length1,length2,length3);

                RealType x_type = new RealType("x",null,null);
                RealType y_type = new RealType("y",null,null);
                RealType z_type = new RealType("z",null,null);
                _range_type = new RealType("range",null,null);

                RealType[] types3d = { x_type, y_type, z_type };
                RealTupleType domain_type = new RealTupleType( types3d, null, 
_domain_set );
                _grid_type =  new FunctionType( domain_type, _range_type );
                FunctionType animation_type =  new FunctionType( time_type, 
_grid_type );
                _animation_sequence = new FieldImpl( animation_type, time_set );
                _display = new DisplayImplJ3D("image display");
                _display.addMap(new ScalarMap( x_type, Display.XAxis));
                _display.addMap(new ScalarMap( y_type, Display.YAxis));
                _display.addMap(new ScalarMap( z_type, Display.ZAxis));
                _color_map = new ScalarMap( _range_type, Display.RGB );
                _display.addMap( _color_map );
                ScalarMap contour_map = new ScalarMap( _range_type, 
Display.IsoContour );
                _contour_controller = (ContourControl) contour_map.getControl();
                ScalarMap map1animation = new ScalarMap(RealType.Time, 

                _anim_controller = (AnimationControl) 

                final DataReference _image_ref =  new 
                _image_ref.setData( _animation_sequence );
                _display.addReference( _image_ref );
          } catch ( java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError err ) { 
                print( "error: can't find VisAD or Java3D class: " + 
err.getMessage() ); 

          setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));

          if( _display != null ) { add(_display.getComponent()); }
          print( "Completed ContourImage3d setup." );

  public void CreateImage(  float[] data, boolean copy )  throws 
VisADException, RemoteException  {
        FlatField f = new FlatField( _grid_type, _domain_set );
        float[][] range_data = new float[1][];
        range_data[0] = data;
        print( " add image " + _num_images );
        _animation_sequence.setSample( _num_images++, f );

  public static void main(String args[])
         throws VisADException, RemoteException, IOException {

        int length1 = 16;
        int length2 = 16;
        int length3 = 16;
        int max_images = 3;
        boolean debug = true;
  // create JFrame (i.e., a window) for display and slider
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Simple VisAD Image Animator");
                new WindowAdapter() {
                  public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0);}

        // Add image display to Frame.

        ContourImageTest iDisplay = new ContourImageTest( length1, length2, 
length3, max_images );

    // set size of JFrame and make it visible
    frame.setSize(500, 600);
        int a = 2, b = 5, c = 3;
        float pi = (float)Math.PI;
        float l1 = length1, l2 = length2, l3 = length3;

        for( int i=0; i<max_images; i++ ) {         
          int index = 0; 
          float[] data = new float[length1*length2*length3];
          if( debug ) System.out.print( "\nData Dump, Surface Value = 0.0, 
slice at z=8 :" );
          for( int i3 = 0; i3<length3; i3++ ) {
                for( int i2 = 0; i2<length2; i2++ ) {
                  if( debug && (i3==8) ) System.out.println();
                  for( int i1 = 0; i1<length1; i1++ ) {
                        float value = (float) ( Math.sin((i1/l1)*a*pi) + 
Math.sin((i2/l2)*b*pi) + Math.sin((i3/l3)*c*pi) );
                        data[index++] = value;
                        if( debug && (i3==8) ) System.out.print(  ( value > 0.0 
) ? "*" : "_" );
          iDisplay.CreateImage( data, false );
          a++; b++; c++;
  void print(String msg) {
        System.out.print("\nJAVA: " + msg);
  void print(VisADException e) {
        System.out.print("\nJAVA VisADException: " + e);
  void print(RemoteException e) {
        System.out.print("\nJAVA RemoteException: " + e);


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