Re: generate new visad api docs

>       The visad api docs on the website is out-of-date. 
>       Can someone please generate a new one?


>       Also - how can I do that myself ?

I've appended the Makefile rules I used to generate the current
documentation. The JDK1.2beta4 version of javadoc chokes on empty
directories (and thus the commented-out section doesn't work) so
I had to enumerate all the subdirectories in the VisAD distribution
via SUBDIRS macro.  If javadoc is ever fixed, I'll add the 'javadoc'
rule to the Makefile.


JAVADOC = javadoc -J-Xmx64m

#       @if [ ! -d $(DOCDIR) ]; then mkdir $(DOCDIR); fi
#       THISDIR=`pwd`;                                                  \
#       TOPDIR=`cd ..; pwd`;                                            \
#       $(JAVADOC) -d $$THISDIR/$(DOCDIR) -sourcepath $$TOPDIR          \
#                       `find $$THISDIR -name docs -prune -o            \
#                               -name CVS -prune -o -type d -print |    \
#                       sed -e "s;^$$TOPDIR/;;" -e 's;/;.;g'`

        nom/tam/util                    \
        nom/tam/fits                    \
        nom/tam/test                    \
        visad/data/fits                 \
        visad/data/gif                  \
        visad/data/hdfeos/hdfeosc       \
        visad/data/hdfeos               \
        visad/data/netcdf/in            \
        visad/data/netcdf/out           \
        visad/data/netcdf/units         \
        visad/data/netcdf               \
        visad/data/vis5d                \
        visad/data                      \
        visad/examples                  \
        visad/java2d                    \
        visad/java3d                    \
        visad/meteorology               \
        visad/ss                        \
        visad/util                      \

        @if [ ! -d $(DOCDIR) ]; then mkdir $(DOCDIR); fi
        THISDIR=`pwd`;                                                  \
        TOPDIR=`cd ..; pwd`;                                            \
        $(JAVADOC) -d $$THISDIR/$(DOCDIR) -sourcepath $$TOPDIR          \
                        `echo ${SUBDIRS} | sed -e 's;/;.;g'`

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