I'm using DelaunayWatson in 2D, now. I still get the exception in some
cases. I'm sending you the data which causes it. Removing points A, B, C
and D (see the attachment) it works fine. I can't figure why.
Is the case with some same points in the sample a problem for your
thank you,
1.5707964 -5.2923767E-16 // point A
0.0 -5.2923767E-16 // point B
1.5707964 0.004815292
1.5707964 0.019215902
1.5707964 0.043072984
1.5707964 0.07603132
1.5707964 0.07603132
1.4726216 0.07603132
1.3744467 0.07603132
1.276272 0.07603132
1.1780972 0.07603132
1.0799224 0.07603132
0.9817477 0.07603132
0.88357294 0.07603132
0.7853982 0.07603132
0.6872234 0.07603132
0.5890486 0.07603132
0.49087384 0.07603132
0.3926991 0.07603132
0.2945243 0.07603132
0.19634955 0.07603132
0.09817477 0.07603132
0.0 0.07603132
-0.09817477 0.07603132
-0.19634955 0.07603132
-0.2945243 0.07603132
-0.3926991 0.07603132
-0.49087384 0.07603132
-0.5890486 0.07603132
-0.6872234 0.07603132
-0.7853982 0.07603132
-0.88357294 0.07603132
-0.9817477 0.07603132
-1.0799224 0.07603132
-1.1780972 0.07603132
-1.276272 0.07603132
-1.3744467 0.07603132
-1.4726216 0.07603132
-1.5707964 0.07603132
-1.5707964 0.07603132
-1.5707964 0.042949717
-1.5707964 0.01913315
-1.5707964 0.0047737686
1.5707964 0.0 // point C
0.0 0.0 // point D