Hi Doug,
For a DisplayImplJ3D, double[] matrix has 16 elements and
is organized as the argument to:
javax.media.j3d.Transform3D(double[] matrix)
We have recently seen the behavior you describe, where the
projection snaps back when you click the mouse. It is caused
ProjectionControlJ3D pc = new ProjectionControlJ3D(display);
Try this instead:
ProjectionControlJ3D pc = display.getProjectionControl();
The next update of VisAD will test for the former and throw an
Exception (basically, you've got a DisplayImplJ3D with two
ProjectionControlJ3Ds, one for the mouse and one you control).
Good luck,
Bill Hibbard, SSEC, 1225 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706
whibbard@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 608-263-4427 fax: 608-263-6738