Hi Hank,
A good example of VisAD CoordinateSystems is satellite image
navigation in examples/SatDisplay.java. This application
reads McIDAS satellite images file using the AreaAdapter
class. These images have MathType:
((ImageElement, ImageLine) -> (Band0, ..., Bandn))
where (ImageElement, ImageLine) has a CoordinateSystem with
reference (Longitude, Latitude). The image is displayed
using the ScalarMaps:
Latitude -> Display.Latitude
Longitude -> Display.Longitude
Band0 -> RGB
In other words, the CoordinateSystem carries the satellite
navigation information which is used to geo-locate the image
in the display.
Another interesting application is examples/HSVDisplay.java.
It displays a Set with MathType:
SetType(hue, saturation, value)
where (hue, saturation, value) has the HSVCoordinateSystem
with reference (red, green, blue). This Set is displayed
using the ScalarMaps:
red -> XAxis
green -> YAxis
blue -> ZAxis
hue -> Hue
saturation -> Saturation
value -> Value
hue -> IsoContour
saturation -> IsoContour
value -> IsoContour
This is a neat example of using a color coordinate system
in spatial mappings, in order to visualize the geometry of
color spaces.
Bill Hibbard, SSEC, 1225 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706
hibbard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 608-263-4427 fax: 608-263-6738