Dear Bill Hibbart,
With reference to the e-mail dated 24 June 1999, I downloaded the latest
version of Visad package and compiled it successfully. But I encountered a
problem in executing the SpreadSheet Application.
Problem encountered:
I'm working on Windows98 environment in my home computer. I tried to execute
the application using 'java -mx64m' but it gave the
"cannot construct spreadsheet cells. A remote error occurred: Listen failed on
port:0; nested exception is: Option unsupported by
protocol: create"
My home computer is not connected to a network. But in my computer in the
University which is working on WindowsNT environment I was able to execute the
SpreadSheet application without any error and it is connected to the network.
But in the Display menu 'Java3D' is disabled, although I have installed
Java3D and the icons are not visible in the button bar.
Please be kind enough to support me in this situation.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
S.D Senaratne