Hi Henry,
> I am new to the VisAD. The package seems to have powerful features.
> Unfortunately, I have not had too much success in building a simple plot
> routine.If anyone has a simple plot routine to plot x,y ( measurement vs
> time...etc) I would really appreciate it.
See visad/examples/Test34.java. It displays a data object
(a FlatField named histogram1) with MathType
(ir_radiance -> count)
that is displayed according to the ScalarMaps:
ir_radiance -> XAxis
count -> YAxis
count -> Green
The visad.paoloa.GoesCollaboration.java also has four simple
x, y plots in its display2.
> p.s. what is the difference between MathType and primative type ? Is
> this an abstraction of primative type?
A MathType may be a primitive type, or may be a composite type
built up from primitive types. So in Test34.java, ir_radiance
and count are primitive types (in VisAD, they are called RealTypes
or TextTypes) and thus also MathTypes, and (ir_radiance -> count)
is a composite MathType but not a primitive type.
Bill Hibbard, SSEC, 1225 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706
hibbard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 608-263-4427 fax: 608-263-6738