

These are the errors i receive when trying to run a 3D application on The files were taken from the VisAD spreadSheet web
page. (this finally worked with these errors):

A nonfatal internal JIT (3.10.107(x)) error 'regvar' has occurred in :
  'visad/data/DefaultFamily$ ()Z': Interpreting method.
  Please report this error in detail to

Couldn't decode attribute rpt_date:units="YYYYDDMM UTC": Unit not in
Couldn't decode attribute rpt_time:units="HHMM UTC": Unit not in database
Couldn't decode attribute opstat:units="ennumerated in rarep.h": Unit not
in database
Couldn't decode attribute object:units="ennumerated in rarep.h": Unit not
in database
Couldn't decode attribute precip_type:units="ennumerated in rarep.h": Unit
not in database

Couldn't decode attribute intensity:units="ennumerated in rarep.h": Unit
not in database
Couldn't decode attribute trend:units="ennumerated in rarep.h": Unit not
in database
Couldn't decode attribute sunSensorIntensity:units="watts/meter^2": Unit
not in database
Couldn't decode attribute timeHHMMSS:units="hour.minute.second": Unit not
in database
Couldn't decode attribute
r^-1": Unit not in database tsakashi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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        Apt 304
        Champaign, IL 61820     

   "Oh my Oh my.  apartment life.  will i survive?"
        stay tuned.  same time, same channel.
        until next week ..."

   "only some people see the small things..."

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