When a SpreadSheet is saved as a file and reopened later, the mappings
are lost. The problem lies on line 957 of the BasicSSCell code:
ScalarType domain = ScalarType.getScalarTypeByName(
(String) dnames.elementAt(j));
"domain" ends up being null.
The code for the getScalarTypeByName method looks like this:
public static ScalarType getScalarTypeByName(String name) {
Enumeration scalars = ScalarVector.elements();
while (scalars.hasMoreElements()) {
ScalarType scalar = (ScalarType) scalars.nextElement();
if (name.equals(scalar.Name)) {
return scalar;
return null;
It is not clear how ScalarVector would have been initialized. How can
this be fixed?
John Brecht
SRI International
Center for Technology in Learning
333 Ravenswood Avenue
Menlo Park, CA 94025
650-859-2325 (voice)
650-859-3673 (fax)
We've got a blind date with Destiny and it looks like she ordered the