John J Brecht wrote:
> Is it possible to produce plots with more than one axis scale in the
> same direction? That is, if you have two or more RealTypes mapped to
> the same domain, is it possible to plot them in the same visualization
> space? If so, how?
Hi John,
As long as you have called GraphicsModeControl's setScaleEnable(true)
you should get an axis scale for every ScalarMap mapping a RealType to
an Axis. e.g.
display.addMap(new ScalarMap(a, Display.XAxis));
display.addMap(new ScalarMap(b, Display.XAxis));
should give you a scale for a and b along the x axis, unless I am
missing something.
I ran into the opposite promblem: how do you keep only one of these
scales? My solution was to map to XAxisOffset to avoid the scale.
Hope this helps,
| Doug Lindholm, Software Engineer | E-mail: lind@xxxxxxxx |
| Research Applications Program | Phone: 303-497-8374 |
| National Center for Atmospheric Research | |
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| Boulder, Colorado 80307-3000 | like $HOME |