[Fwd: newbie question - mutiple scales]

John J Brecht wrote:
> thanks for the help!
> >
> > I ran into the opposite promblem: how do you keep only one of these
> > scales? My solution was to map to XAxisOffset to avoid the scale.
> >
> Actually, that brings up another question I have: What is the difference
> between mapping to XAxis and XAxisOffset?

I defer to the experts. Bill et al.?

| Doug Lindholm, Software Engineer          |  E-mail: lind@xxxxxxxx   |
| Research Applications Program             |   Phone: 303-497-8374    |
| National Center for Atmospheric Research  |                          |
| P.O. Box 3000                             |     There's no place     |
| Boulder, Colorado 80307-3000              |        like $HOME        |

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