What I use when compiling VisAD code is:
export CLASSPATH='.;d:\src\;'
export JIKESPATH='d:\jdk1.2\jre\lib\rt.jar;d:\src;.'
I'm using U/WIN on NT, which is why this looks like this, but the
key is to include the rt.jar file in there. And this way, I can use
javac or jikes.
If you're only using jikes, you _should_ be able to just use:
(or wherever your rt.jar file is...) and unset CLASSPATH.
Hope that helps. Dave may have other ideas, though...
Ugo Taddei wrote:
> Hi,
> is any of you guys using Jikes to compile Code?
> My problem is as follows:
> I run
> jikes -classpath .:/opt1/java/Visad/visad.jar
> and it says to me
> Found 2 system errors:
> *** Error: Could not find package named:
> ./java/util or
> /opt1/java/Visad/visad.jar(java/util)
> *** Error: Could not find package named:
> ./java/lang or
> /opt1/java/Visad/visad.jar(java/lang)
> I have in .bashrc
> CLASSPATH=.:/opt1/java/Visad/visad.jar
> export CLASSPATH
> and did the same for JIKESPATH, but I keep on getting the error message.
> Where's the catch? Or what am I doing wrong?
> Sorry that this message doesn't really (directly) concern VisAD...:-(
> Thanks,
> Ugo
Tom Whittaker (tomw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science and Engineering Center
Phone/VoiceMail: 608/262-2759
Fax: 608/262-5974