"Peter X. Cao" wrote:
> Bill, et al.,
> I need to add an HDF5 data adaptor into visad so the SpreadSheet can read
> the data.
> I don't where to add my HDF5Form (extends Form implements FormFileInformer).
> I checked your code. FormFamily.addFormNode() seems the one to add new forms.
> I search all the code. I didn't see anywhere the function
> FormFamily.addFormNode()
> is used. How did you add your default forms, which are
> visad.data.fits.FitsForm
> visad.data.gif.GIFForm
> visad.data.hdfeos.HdfeosAdaptedForm
> visad.data.netcdf.Plain
> visad.data.visad.VisADForm
> visad.data.mcidas.AreaForm
visad.data.DefaultFamily has a buildList() method which creates the list
of Forms. Add an import statement at the top of the file, some code like:
try {
list[i] = new HDF5Form();
} catch (Throwable t) {
near the end of that method, recompile, and the Spreadsheet should magically
start reading HDF5 files.
DefaultFamily is sort of my responsibility (I wrote it and I don't think
anyone else would want to claim it :-), so feel free to ask me any
questions about it.