"Peter X. Cao" wrote:
> By the way, the Spreadsheet can read HDF5 integer dataset now.
> I didn't change anything in the visad package except I registed the
> HDF5 adaptor in DefaultFamily.buildList(). If you guys can add a function
> call to allow users to register user-defined adaptor, I even don't need
> to touch the visad package.
It'll be in the next update of VisAD (I put it in on Monday). See
To use it, just add something like:
DefaultFamily.addFormToList(new HDF5Form());
at the start of your application and DefaultFamily will understand
HDF5 files (as long as you've done everything right :-)
And for those who don't know, the latest version of the VisAD javadoc
files is always available at http://brutus.ssec.wisc.edu/~dglo/visad/
(It's auto-updated at around 2AM every day from the latest sources.)