"Peter X. Cao" wrote:
> The Speradsheet always fails when I try to open the second file.
> For example, it works when I first open an HDF5 file, float2Darray.h5.
> Then I open another HDF5 file double2Darray.h5. The spreadsheet
> fails. The exception is visad.TypeException: ScalarType: name already used.
> Does it mean I cannot use the same type name for different data files ?
> The domain names of a plain data array are given autimatically as
> dim1, dim2, ..., etc. Surely there will be some name overlap for different
> data sets/files. What can I do to resolve this name conflict without change
> the way I name the domains (dim1, dim2, ...) ?
If the FITS adapter, I do something like this:
RealType rt;
try {
rt = new RealType(name, null, null);
} catch (TypeException e) {
rt = RealType.getRealTypeByName(name);
that is, if an attempt to create a RealType fails due to a TypeException,
it's likely that it already exists so just fetch it from the cache of
existing types.