Hi Amarnath,
> This is my first stab at this mailing list. So show a little patience
> ..:)
> My objective is to use a DEM file to draw 3D surface graphs.
> The DEM file contains a parsed output x,y,z array - latitude, longitude,
> elevation. I need to use this data to create coloured hills & valleys that
> represent
> the discrete data and that change with time.
> Now i have heard a lot about this tool. I want to know if it is physically
> possible for me to satisfy the
> above requirements using VisAD. If not will it be possible for me to modify
> VisAD to satisfy the above requirements. Your comments and suggestions are
> greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.
Yes, should be no problem. First, check out the links on
the VisAD web page to the University of Jena's DEMViewer
which is used to visualize ASCII ArcGrid files. There's a
link to an animated GIF image they created of topography
changing due to erosion and deposition.
VisAD also includes readers for other file formats, such as
netCDF, HDF-EOS, etc. If your files don't fit any of these,
you may need to create a customized file reader - it shouldn't
be too hard for simple files. Then creating an elavation
visualization, and animating a series of elevations, shouldn't
be too difficult.
Bill Hibbard, SSEC, 1225 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706
hibbard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 608-263-4427 fax: 608-263-6738