Hi Eugene,
Please give us some more information.
> java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3
> at visad.FlatField.resample(FlatField.java:3252)
> . . .
There have been some changes to FlatField.java recently. Is
valuesJ = values[j];
at line 3252 in your FlatField.java? If not, please send
me a little code around your line 3252.
It looks like your netCDF file should become a FlatField
with 3 range components (MinTemp, MaxTemp and WindDirection)
"j" at line 3252 should cycle through 0, 1, 2. Thus the "3"
value is hard to explain.
Also, please put:
System.out.println("f: " + f.getType() + "\n" +
"predictedSet: " + predictedSet.getType());
f = (FieldImpl)f.resample(predictedSet, mode, Data.INDEPENDENT);
in your FieldManipulation.java, and send me the result.
You could also run in jdb, catch the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException,
and send me the output of 'print values.length' and
'print TupleDimension' after the Exception.
Perhaps someone else can see something in your netCDF file
Bill Hibbard, SSEC, 1225 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706
hibbard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 608-263-4427 fax: 608-263-6738