Re: Other question

You are asking for 96+MB (assuming 4 bytes per element) of memory to store
one array!
Double that if one of your calls required a copy.

 I assume you are running unix?

First make sure you have that much memory available on your system, run:
$ ulimit -a

that should tell you how much memory you have available and how much of
that can be used for data.
Note that lots of things other than your program need to reside in memory
so you can't use it all.
If these numbers do not correspond to the amount of memory you think you
1. Make sure you really have as much as you think you have.
2. Find out (probably from your sys-ad) how to get access to more of it.
It may be possible to
    increase your memory alotment as user but most systems require root
access to do so. (try $ man ulimit)

If you're lucky that's your only problem, but I suspect there may also be
java related issues.
Good Luck.


Ricardo Ivan Mantilla G wrote:

> Hello visad Users:
> Somebody knows how can i solve this error?
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:
>         at visad.FlatField.unpackValues(
>         at visad.FlatField.unpackValues(
>         at visad.FlatField.computeRanges(
>         at visad.DataImpl.computeRanges(
>         at visad.DataRenderer.prepareAction(
>         at visad.DisplayImpl.doAction(
>         at visad.java2d.DisplayImplJ2D.doAction(
>         at
>         at visad.util.ThreadPool$
> It occurs when I load data of a 2000 x 2000 x 6 image into a dysplay
> thanks
> Ricardo

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