Hello VisAD Users:
I have a problem displaying a matriz. The matrix's values spans from 0
to 6, but when I represent it using a scalarmap all the values bertween
0 and 3 have the same color and other color for the values bertween 4
and 6. How can I make the displayRenderer assign one color for each
Here is the code I use to buid the ScalarMap.
In the code My_Matrix is a float[][] whit values between 0 and 6
//Define RealTypes
xx2 = new RealType("x2");
yy2 = new RealType("y2");
xx_yy2 = new RealTupleType(xx2, yy2);
supClassRes=new RealType("supClassRes");
func_xy_SC = new FunctionType( xx_yy2, supClassRes);
//Create display for image classification representation
displaySC = new DisplayImplJ2D("displaySC");
//bands for main diaplay
xxMap2 = new ScalarMap( xx2, Display.XAxis );
yyMap2 = new ScalarMap( yy2, Display.YAxis );
bandUCKMMap = new ScalarMap( supClassRes, Display.Value );
displaySC.addMap( xxMap2 );
displaySC.addMap( yyMap2 );
displaySC.addMap( bandUCKMMap );
//data reference for displaySC
data_refSC = new DataReferenceImpl("data_refSC");
vals_ffUCKM.setSamples(My_Matrix , false );
displaySC.addReference( data_refSC );