Corrected URLS for collaboration tutorial

  • Subject: Corrected URLS for collaboration tutorial
  • From: Dave Glowacki <dglo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 16:56:21 -0500
> I've written a set of tutorials on how to convert VisAD
> standalone applications to collaborative applications.

Oops, I left a directory out of the path.  Below are the correct URLs.

> There are 3 main pages:
> is an overview of the steps involved in making an application
> collaborative.
> is a step-by-step conversion of a simple standalone
> application.
> is a brief discussion of making a graphic VisAD widget
> collaborative.
> I'd be happy to hear any comments, suggestions, corrections,
> etc. you might have on these pages!

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