#TAN TOH FEI# wrote:
> I try to compile and run the sample application that you put up in the
> collaborative pages. However, I faced some problem when compile and running
> it. Anyway, I managed to fix it thru included the "import
> java.io.IOException;" and "throws IOException" in the program.
Oops, sorry! I've changed my examples to add IOException where needed.
The reason it was missing is that, while writing my example application,
I made a slight improvement to visad.data.DefaultFamily, the class which
takes a String or URL argument and returns the appropriate VisAD Data
Previously, the DefaultFamily open(String) method only tried to open a
local file; to open a web-based file, you needed to call the open(URL)
Now the open(String) method tries to open a local file and, if that
fails, will try to build a URL from the String and open the URL. While
making these changes, I managed to get rid of the IOException the
open(String) method used to throw. (The latest version of VisAD on the
FTP/web site has these changes.)
> The program
> runs but a runtime error bug is displayed. May I know what is the error
> means?
> D:\PROJECT>java DisplayGIF
> A nonfatal internal JIT (3.10.107(x)) error 'regvar' has occurred in :
> 'visad/data/DefaultFamily$FormFunction.run ()Z': Interpreting method.
> Please report this error in detail to
> http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi
Bill says he's had several reports of this bug. It's already been
reported to Sun so you can just ignore it until they get it fixed.