I'm still working on plotting my data on the same graph...but I'm making
progress. After scrapping everything and using the tutorial as a
template, I'm getting a new error (hey, that's progress!)
I get this error when I add a 2nd ScalarMap to the display. I can plot
single sets over and over again, but whenever I try to add a 2nd set to
the Y axis I get this:
visad.DisplayException: DisplayImpl.addMap: RendererVector must be empty
Of course I'm doing something completely obviously wrong, but I don't
see it.
Also, is there an index to the examples? I.E. "Test00.java:
Demonstrates 1, 2, 3"
Paul Gifford, Capt, USAF
325 S Broadway EGC2
Boulder CO 80303
303-497-6556 voice
303-497-6513 fax