Re: Delaunay and Java3D

Hi Desiree,

> Ok, I think I got it,
> The VisAd Geometry is stored in a TriangleStripArray, in my Example I had
> 7 Points, which would build 6 Triangle with a complete of 18 Vertices as I
> thought. I fact the GeometryArray has 20 Vertices (I forgot to change the
> last two). But why do I need 20 Vertices to build a TriangleStripArray
> with 6 Triangles?

VisAD includes an algorithm that ties all the triangles together into
one strip.  In general, it is pretty good at creating short strips.
However, it may do poorly on a very small set of triangles where it
can't get much running room.  Of course, human common sense can look
at a small set of triangles and come up with a good arrangement in
strips, but algorithms lack common sense.

Glad your program is working.

Bill Hibbard, SSEC, 1225 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI  53706
hibbard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  608-263-4427  fax: 608-263-6738

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