

I am trying to write an application using visad which reads a datafile
and displays it in a JInternalFrame. The first time display works fine
but when I clear the internal frame and try to display a second time 
I get the following exception:

visad.TypeException: ScalarType: name already used

Any help would be appreciated. The source files are attached.



import visad.*;

import visad.util.*;

import visad.java2d.DisplayImplJ2D;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;

import javax.swing.*;

import javax.swing.event.*;

import javax.accessibility.*;

import javax.swing.border.*;

import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;


import java.beans.*;

   public class OmegaWindowManager extends JPanel implements 

                                                      ActionListener {

// ...................................................................

// . <CLASS>                                                         .

// ...................................................................

// ===================================================================

    OmegaClient omega;

    private TerrainView terrView;

    private int icase = 0; 

// define variables

    JButton closButton, terrButton;

    JLayeredPane lc;

    JInternalFrame setCase;

// *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

   public OmegaWindowManager(OmegaClient omega) throws VisADException, 

                                                     RemoteException {

// ...................................................................

// . <CONSTRUCTOR>                                                   .

// ...................................................................

// ===================================================================

   super(); = omega;

   setLayout(new BorderLayout());

   lc = new JDesktopPane();


   setCase = CaseSetupFrame();

   lc.add(setCase, JLayeredPane.PALETTE_LAYER); 

   add("Center", lc);


// *******************************************************************

   public JInternalFrame CaseSetupFrame() {

// ...................................................................

// . <METHOD>                                                        .

// ...................................................................

// ===================================================================

    JInternalFrame w;

    JPanel tp, bp;

    Container contentPane;

    w = new JInternalFrame("Case Setup");

    contentPane = w.getContentPane();

    contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

// button panel

    bp = new JPanel();

    bp.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1));

    terrButton = new JButton("Terrain");



    closButton = new JButton("Clear");



    contentPane.add(bp, BorderLayout.CENTER);





    return w;


// *******************************************************************


   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

// ...................................................................

// . <METHOD>                                                        .

// ...................................................................

// ===================================================================

// clear the desktop

    if ( e.getSource() == closButton ) {




         icase = 0;


// read the terrain data

    else if ( e.getSource() == terrButton && icase == 0 ) {

    try {

      terrView = new TerrainView();

      lc.add(terrView, JLayeredPane.PALETTE_LAYER); 


    catch (VisADException  vise) {System.out.println(vise);}

    catch (RemoteException rexp) {System.out.println(rexp);}

     icase = 1;

    } // end elseif terrButton

   }                           // end action method

// *******************************************************************

   }  // end class OmegaWindowManager

// *******************************************************************

import visad.*;

import visad.util.*;

import visad.java2d.DisplayImplJ2D;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;

import javax.swing.*;

import javax.swing.event.*;

import javax.accessibility.*;

import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;


import java.beans.*;

   class TerrainView extends JInternalFrame {

// ...................................................................

// . <CLASS>                                                         .

// ...................................................................

// ===================================================================

    String fname;

// define variables

    int ntx, nty;

    private RealType longitude, latitude;

    private RealType altitude;

    private RealTupleType domain_tuple;

    private FunctionType func_domain_temp;

    private Set domain_set;

    private FlatField vals_ff;

    private float[][] flat_altitude;

    private float altmin, altmax;

    private float latmin, latmax, lonmin, lonmax;

// The DataReference from data to display

    private DataReferenceImpl data_ref;

// The 2D display, and its the maps

    private DisplayImpl display;

    private ScalarMap latMap, lonMap;

    private ScalarMap altRGBMap;

// A GraphicsModeControlWidget

    private GMCWidget gmcWidget;

    private LabeledColorWidget labelCW;

// *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

   public TerrainView() throws VisADException, RemoteException {

// ...................................................................

// . <CONSTRUCTOR>                                                   .

// ...................................................................

// ===================================================================

// Create the quantities => RealType(String name)

    latitude     = new RealType("latitude");

    longitude    = new RealType("longitude");

    domain_tuple = new RealTupleType(latitude, longitude);

    altitude     = new RealType("altitude", SI.meter, null);

    ntx = 6; nty = 6;

    float[][] flat_altitude = new float[1][ntx*nty];

    flat_altitude = openTerFile();

    lonmin = latmin = 0.0f; lonmax = latmax = 1.0f;

// Create a FunctionType (domain_tuple -> altitude )

// Use FunctionType(MathType domain, MathType range)

    func_domain_temp    = new FunctionType( domain_tuple, altitude);

// Create the domain Set

    domain_set = new Linear2DSet(domain_tuple, latmin, latmax, ntx,

                                               lonmin, lonmax, nty);

// Get the Set samples to facilitate the calculations

    float[][] set_samples = domain_set.getSamples( true );

// Create the FlatFields => FlatField(FunctionType type, Set domain_set)

    vals_ff     = new FlatField( func_domain_temp, domain_set); // image

    vals_ff.setSamples( flat_altitude , false );

// Create Display and its maps (a 2D display)

    display = new DisplayImplJ2D("display1");

// Get display's graphics mode control and draw scales

    GraphicsModeControl dispGMC = 


// Create a GMCWidget with the GraphicsModeControl above

    gmcWidget = new GMCWidget( dispGMC );

// Create the ScalarMaps: latitude to YAxis, longitude to XAxis and alt. to RGB

// Use ScalarMap(ScalarType scalar, DisplayRealType display_scalar)

    latMap     = new ScalarMap( latitude,  Display.YAxis );

    lonMap     = new ScalarMap( longitude, Display.XAxis );

    altRGBMap  = new ScalarMap( altitude,  Display.RGB );

// Add maps to display

    display.addMap( latMap );

    display.addMap( lonMap );

    display.addMap( altRGBMap );

    labelCW = new LabeledColorWidget( altRGBMap );

// Create data references and set the FlatField as our data

    data_ref     = new DataReferenceImpl("data_ref");

    data_ref.setData( vals_ff );

// Add references to display: first the colored image's reference

    display.addReference( data_ref );

// internal frame






    String title = "Terrain";



    try { this.setSelected(true); } 

    catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e2) {}


// *******************************************************************

   float[][] openTerFile() {

// ...................................................................

// . <METHOD>                                                        .

// ...................................................................

// ===================================================================

// for now define a 2D field

    float[][] faltitude = new float[1][ntx*nty];

    altmin = 10000000000.0f; altmax = -10000000000.0f;

    for(int c = 0; c < ntx; c++) {

      for(int r = 0; r < nty; r++) {

        faltitude[0][ c * nty + r ] = (float)c * (float)r;



    return faltitude;



// *******************************************************************

   }  // end class TerrainView

// *******************************************************************

import visad.*;

import visad.util.*;

import visad.java2d.DisplayImplJ2D;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;

import javax.swing.*;

import javax.swing.event.*;

import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

   public class OmegaClient extends JFrame implements ActionListener {

// ...................................................................

// . <CLASS>                                                         .

// ...................................................................

// ===================================================================

   OmegaClient omega;

   private OmegaWindowManager wp;

   private JTabbedPane dPane;

   Container contentPane = null;

// Menu bar

   private JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();      // Window menu bar

// File menu items

   private JMenuItem exitItem, printItem;

// JFrame

   JFrame theFrame;

// Panels within the frame and the stuff that goes on them

   JPanel centerPanel;

// ===================================================================

// Constructor

   public OmegaClient(String title) {


    Toolkit theKit = getToolkit();                       // Get the window 

    Dimension wndSize = theKit.getScreenSize();          // Get screen size

    setBounds(wndSize.width/4, wndSize.height/4,         // Position

                                              800, 600); // Size

// content pane

    contentPane = this.getContentPane();

// menubar

    setJMenuBar(menuBar);       // Add the menu bar to the window

    JMenu fileMenu  = new JMenu("File");      // Create File menu

    fileMenu.setMnemonic('F');                // Create shortcut

    exitItem = new JMenuItem("Exit");

    exitItem.setToolTipText("exit OmegaClient");

    exitItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke('Q',Event.CTRL_MASK ));

    exitItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)


          dispose();              // Release the window resources

          System.exit(0);         // End the application

         } } );


    menuBar.add(fileMenu);     // Add the file menu

// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

    JPanel dbPanel = new JPanel( new BorderLayout() );

    dPane = new JTabbedPane(JTabbedPane.TOP);

    JPanel advPanel = new JPanel( new BorderLayout() );

    try { wp = new OmegaWindowManager(omega); }

    catch (VisADException  vise) {System.out.println(vise);}

    catch (RemoteException rexp) {System.out.println(rexp);}

    if ( wp !=null ) {

    advPanel.add(wp, BorderLayout.CENTER);

    dPane.addTab("Display", advPanel); }

// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

    contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

    contentPane.add(dPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);

    addWindowListener(new WindowHandler());



    theFrame = this;

// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+


// *******************************************************************

   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

// ...................................................................

// . <METHOD>                                                        .

// ...................................................................

// ===================================================================


// *******************************************************************

    private class WindowHandler extends WindowAdapter

// ...................................................................

// . <CLASS>                                                         .

// . adapter "convenience" class to handle non-trapped window events .

// ...................................................................

// ===================================================================


// Handler for window closing event

      public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)


        dispose();                   // Release the window resources

        System.exit(0);              // End the application



// *******************************************************************

   public static void main(String[] args) throws VisADException,


// ...................................................................

// . <METHOD>                                                        .

// ...................................................................

// ===================================================================

   { new OmegaClient("OMEGA - v0.1"); }

// *******************************************************************


// *******************************************************************

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